Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rundown for Thursday

That was a bloodbath...nothing really gapped up today, jst about everything gapped down instead and it was pretty much all downhill from there....

OPWV kinda held 30s pretty well, would not mind putting 1.30s as a stop loss

LIOX goner, screw the tweezer bottom, hit the stop loss of 2.55 not that i was in it but still...

NM  i think this made a lower low today so i doubt its gonna go up

NTSP was kinda on the money if caught the big first dip ...chart still looks good for further upside..

LGFTY my moneymaker for today, did not gap up but nailed the bounce , had 48s sold it +12 cents
, the candle still looks bullish might have some daytrades in it still..will definitely keep a watch on this one now that we have some boundaries on this one

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